Who We Represent
Lozeau Drury represents local and national non-profit organizations, community groups, unions, and individuals, among others. Some of the clients we have represented include:
Association of Irritated Residents
California Coastkeeper Alliance
California Communities Against Toxics
California Native Plant Society
California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
California Water Impact Network
Center for Biological Diversity
Center for Environmental Health
Center For Self-Improvement (Hunters Point, San Francisco)
Communities for a Better Environment
Contra Costa Building Trades Council
Desert Protective Council
East Bay Alliance For A Sustainable Economy (EBASE)
East Yard Communites For Environmental Justice
Environmental Protection Information Center
Friends of the West Shore (Lake Tahoe)
Laborers’ International Union of North America
The League of Pissed Off Voters, San Francisco
Natural Resources Defense Council
Northern California River Watch
Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermens’ Associations
Panoramic Hill Association, Berkeley
Parker Shattuck Neighbors
Petaluma River Council
Public Employees For Environmental Responsibility
Renewed Efforts of Neighbors Against Landfill Expansion
Russian River Watershed Protection Committee
San Clemente Citizens For Integrity In Development
Service Employees International Union 1021